27 APRIL 2023
Day 1 - Thursday
Media Briefing
Conference Opening
Panel 1: 'Challenges and Opportunities for Public Health and Harm Reduction'
This session will consider many of the key health challenges faced in the local region and consider how improving cooperation and the adoption of harm reduction approaches can help improve public health outcomes.
Urazaliyeva Ilmira Ravkatovna

Samigullina Alfiya Eldarovna

Bakirova Zhyldyz Kadyrkulovna

Solovieva Aigul Sagadibekovna

Nadezhda Mikhailovna Petukhova

Bakhyt Niyazbekovna Tumenova

Plenary Session 1: 'Drugs, Drug Treatment and Harm Reduction in 2020's'
Patterns of drug use continue to change and develop. What are the main drug related issues facing the region? How have policy and treatment responses evolved? What are the lessons we can learn from the Covid pandemic and what can they tell us about effective engagement with marginalised groups?
Julia Rozanova

Title: High or highly adaptable? Findings from a peer-driven intervention to reduce HIV risks and improve mental health among male prisoners with a history of injection drug use in Kyrgyzstan
Mariya Prilutskaya

Title: Epidemiological evaluation of NPS use
Amir Rashidov

Title: Drug and drug treatment situation in Uzbekistan
Jiang Du

Title: New Psychoactive Substances and drug treatment in China
Kasia Kowalczyk

Title: Harm Reduction in Poland - Challenges and Opportunities
David MacKintosh

Panel 2: 'Social Work and Health in Prison in Central Asia and China'
Creating humane prison conditions is one of the greatest challenges of today, as penitentiary systems remain closed and hidden from the public in many countries. The SOLID publication “Social Work and Health in Prisons” studies the development of social work and health services in the penitentiary systems of Central Asia and China in the context of ongoing prison reform. It looks into state efforts to apply international prison standards and to create more humane prison conditions in a difficult political environment and in the context of scarce public resources. The publication brings together overviews of global developments, in-depth country studies and cases that address specific issues such as compulsory drug treatment, overdose prevention in the prison system, and the introduction of rehabilitation services as alternatives to imprisonment. The publication is among the first to provide a detailed account on prison health and social work in the countries of Central Asia and China. By addressing the various challenges of prison reform in these countries, the volume contributes to the debate on how criminal justice systems can be transformed to reduce harm and to uphold human rights for all.
Heino Stöver

Ingo Michels

Natalya Shumskaya

Cholpon Omurakunova

Dinara Yessimova

Hang Su

Mariya Prilutskaya

Ulla Pape

Paolo Pertica Award
The aim of the award is to recognise innovation and outstanding contributions to public health interventions within the criminal justice context, in relation to drug and alcohol users, which can be shown to have a positive impact for both individual offenders and the community in general.
David MacKintosh

Ingo Michels

28 APRIL 2023
Day 2 - Friday
Plenary Session 2: 'The Role of Harm Reduction and Regulations in Tackling Non-Communicable Diseases'
NCDs are a massive and growing challenge in terms of improving public health. This session looks at promising approaches to reducing the scale and severity of NCDs. It also considers the potential value of harm reduction approaches and the importance of effective regulation in protecting communities.
Begaiym Egimbaeva

Title: Effective management and prevention of noncommunicable diseases in Kyrgyzstan
Nurgozhin Talgat Seitzhanovich

Title: The issues of counterfeit pharmaceutical products
Rakhatbek Mamytkojoev

Title: Role of Rural Health Committees in NCD prevention
Shamil Saginovich Tazhibayev

Title: The reduction of harm in diet, the role of a balanced diet in the prevention of non-communicable diseases.
Grebennikova Galina Aleksandrovna

Title: The role of harm reduction concept in promotion of reproductive health of population
Kasia Kowalczyk

Plenary Session 3: 'Collaboration, Primary Care and Vulnerable Populations'
In many regions vulnerable populations face challenges in accessing and benefiting from health care. Primary care has a key role to play in helping those in need access services. The session will look at the value and power of partnership approaches, how we can better equip front line workers and look at action to tackle TB.
Cholpon Asambaeva

Title: Improving the provision of primary health care services
Asanova Aizat Kubanychbekovna

Title: Strengthening the nurse's role at primary care level
Rakhypbekov Tolebay Kosiyabekovich

Title: Integrated medical and social services in primary medical and social care. The role of medical and social services in disease prevention. Experience of the association "Primary Health Care"
Alexander Rozanov

Title: Role of the Patient, the doctor and the state in shaping a healthy lifestyle. Risk-oriented regulation
Yulia Aleshkina

Title: Involving CBOs to provide social support and services to TB patients
Shorena Tchokhonelidze

Plenary Session 4: 'Saving Lives, Health and Money'
The burden of ill health and premature mortality places a huge burden on individuals, communities, and countries. Their social and economic impacts are significant, yet these factors are not always considered when policy and interventions are being developed. Looking at a number of case studies this session will explore what has driven effective change and the benefits delivered. The session will also consider the issue and importance of economic factors alongside the role harm reduction can play in delivering significant benefits to communities.
David MacKintosh

Title: Reducing the Cost of Drugs, Alcohol and Smoking
Gintautas-Jouzas Kentra

Title: Harm reduction and the problem of counterfeit products as a discrediting factor for the concept of harm reduction
Fredrik Nyström

Title: How Sweden is leading the path to the reduction of smoking tobacco
Sergey Soshnikov

Title: The Indirect Economic Cost of HIV/AIDS in Uzbekistan: A Modelling Approach
Kurbanbaeva Gulnar Turetayevna

Title: Indirect economic costs
Grzegorz Król

Closing: Declaration